Javascript Tree Menu by
(c) 2006,

    Functional Samples

Samples & Templates

Functional Samples

Deluxe Tree has several funtional samples which help you to use the full functionality of this Javascript Tree Menu.

Standart Tree Menu

You can create standart floatable tree menu. In this sample you can see how to use lines. You can also add any html code within menu items.

Standart Tree Menu

Floatable Menu Tree

You can create a floatable menu. When the page is scrolled the menu remains visible. In this sample only one item and one submenu can be expanded at the same time. With Deluxe Tree you will be able to create 3-state icons for each item: normal state, mouseover state, expanded state.

Floatable Menu Tree

Movable Tree View Menu

You can create both standard or XP-like types of Tree Menu. This sample uses animation and effects when submenus collapse or expand. Deluxe Tree highlights the selected item when the page is opened.

Movable Tree View Menu

XP Style Javascript Menu Tree

You can create both standard or XP-like types of Tree Menu. This sample uses different icons, colors, fonts and buttons for each submenu title.

XP Style Javascript Menu Tree

Dynamic Tree Control

In the Deluxe Tree you can use Javascript API to change items visiblity, to disable/enable items, addition/removing/changing of items "on-the-fly".

Dynamic Tree Control

State Saving Web Tree Menu

There is no need to write additional code on a server side to remember what items were expanded/collapsed. Deluxe Tree can save items state automatically!

State Saving Web Tree Menu

Individual Style Java Tree Menu

Each item can have individual settings. You can create individual styles and assign them to items. See the sample.

Individual Style Java Tree Menu
New!   Cool Templates

Cool Templates

Dhtml Treeview Menu Vista Style 1      |     Vista Style 2 Treeview Menu      |     Vista Style 3 Tree Menu Script
Html Tree Menu Vista Style 4      |     Vista Style 5 Dhtml Tree Menu      |     Vista Style 6 Dhtml Menu Tree
Vista Style 7 Tree Dhtml Menu      |     Tree Javascript MSDN Library look      |     Tree Java Script Outlook 2003 look
Mac OSX Javascript Treeview Menu      |     Linux Javascript Tree View Menu

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