What's New
What's New in v4.1
Deluxe Menus & Deluxe Tuner v3.3 (Nov 19, 2008) |
1. Internet Explorer 8 support for all Deluxe products!
Fixes for:
1. Deluxe Tuner didn't work correctly with Internet Explorer 8.
2. AJAX feature of Deluxe Tree didn't work with Firefox 3.0.
3. Minor fixes.
Deluxe Menus & Deluxe Tuner v3.2.9 (September 17, 2008) |
1. Google Chrome support for all Deluxe products!
2. AJAX feature didn't work with tcloseExpanded=1; parameter in Deluxe Tree.
Deluxe Tree v3.2.7 (July 03, 2008) |
1. New parameter in dtreet_ext_userRightClick() function is added.
function dtreet_ext_userRightClick (itemID, event)
event - constant. Do not change.
2. Fix for floatable feature.
3. dtreet_ext_expandItem() function doesn't work with a concurrently running dtreet_ext_userClick() function.
4. dtreet_ext_insertItem() function doesn't add space between top items in XP-style.
5. When you open ajax node in FF, you should click on the link twice to open it.
6. Save state function doesn't work for AJAX submenus.
- Item ID format has changed. It depends on the parent ID = [parent ID]i[item index].
Examples: for the first level dtree_0i0, dtree_0i1..., for the second level dtree_0i1i0,dtree_0i1i1, dtree_0i1i2...
- AJAX algorithm is changed.
- save state data format is changed.
- dtreet_ext_getNextItemID() and dtreet_ext_getPrevItemID() functions are changed.
7. The background image was set incorrectly.
8. Minor fixes.
Deluxe Tree v3.2 (Jan 14, 2008) |
1. Minor fixes.
Deluxe Tree v3.2.5 (Feb 20, 2008) |
1. texpandItemClick=1 parameter didn't work for AJAX submenus.
2. "px" postfixes for left and top properties of content div are added - for doctype "HTML 4.01 Transitional".
3. Minor fixes.
Deluxe Tree v3.2 (Jan 14, 2008) |
1. Minor fixes.
Deluxe Tree v3.1 |
1. AJAX-like technology: data for submenus can be loaded "on-the-fly" from the server.
New parameter:
var tajax = 0/1; - disables/enables AJAX-like support
Current syntax for item parameters (var tmenuItems):
[text, link, iconNormal, iconOver, iconExpanded, tip, target, itemStyleInd, itemXPStyleInd, jsFileName]
Where jsFileName - .js filename on the server with submenu items (var tmenuItems).
2. New parameters:
- var tXPAlign = left / right; - alignment of item image in XPStyle.
- var tXPMenuSpace=10; - set the space between toplevel menu items in XP-Style.
- var tpointsBImage=""; - branch lines image.
3. Fix for Firefox on MAC: in XP-Style top level menu item disappeared when it expands.
4. Fixes for Safari on MAC:
- top level menu items were expanded without animation;
- when subitem was collapsed then it was hidden behind main menu.
5. Fix for IE: unneeded scrollbar was appeared for HTML 4.01 DOCTYPE.
6. Fix for Netscape 7: when subitem was collapsed/expanded the scrollbar was appeared.
7. Save the menu state for current domen.
8. Top items in XP-Style are clickable now if its link is defined.
9. Other minor fixes.
Deluxe Tree v2.4 |
1. Menu loads .js modules automatically. dtree_ss.js is deleted, code moved into dtree.js file.
2. Fix for empty image names (e.g. titemBackImage = ["",""])
3. Fix for texpandItemClick and tcloseExpanded - click on item text doesn't collapse expanded items
4. New parameters:
- var tWorkPath - It's necessary to define this parameter before dtree.js if .js files of the menu aren't placed into the same directory where html page is placed.
- var tpathPrefix_img - Path prefix for menu images. This string will be added for all image paths in the menu javascript.
- var tpathPrefix_link - Path prefix for menu links. This string will be added for all links in the menu.
Deluxe Tree v1.0 |
1. New engine, new features, new performance!
2. Several .js modules to decrease a loadable data level according to selected features
3. Special JavaScript API (apytmenu_dyn.js) that allows you to change your menu "on-the-fly":
- create new items and insert them into any place of the menu
- create submenus in XP-mode
- delete items and submenus
- change items parameters and their appearance
- disable/enable items
- expand/collapse items and submenus
- show/hide items and submenus
- get detailed information about the menu and its components: items parameters, object IDs, etc.
- assign your own functions to mouse click and mouse right-click events
4. New animation effects, so your menus will look like standard menus in Windows XP Explorer
5. New parameters:
- var tcloseExpanded, var tcloseExpandedXP - allow expanding of only one item and one sumbenu
- var tXPFilter - enables a fade effect for XP submenu in Internet Explorer
- var tfontColorDisabled - font color for disabled items
- var tfloatableX, tfloatableY - set a floatable ability for the menu along X and Y axes
- var tnoWrap - enables a word-wrap mode
- evar ttoggleMode - enables a toggle mode - selected item is highlighted
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